DIY Burlap and Buttons Christmas Tree

Hi, my name is Amy and I'm a Target dollar spot addict.  Every time I stop by "just to look," inspiration strikes and I find yet another awesome craft. 

The Vintage Sheet Music Mini Crates, the Santa Mason Jars and the Silver Spoon Christmas Trees all came from the dollar spot at Target!  Thanks to that budget-friendly section, I have beautiful holiday decorations I created for next to nothing.  

This is such an easy project and you only need a few supplies:

  • Burlap tree 
  • Fancy buttons or vintage jewelry
  • Glue gun
  • Wire cutters

When I saw this burlap tree, I remembered buying a package of fancy jeweled buttons at Hobby Lobby for 50% off.  Those buttons plus this burlap tree were going to make some Christmas magic.

So the buttons would lay flat, I cut the loop off each one with wire cutters.  Then, I used my hot glue gun to attach them around the tree.  There was even a 'star'  for the top!

I started off with a gold and pearl theme but the colored gem buttons were too pretty to leave off.

This is one fancy, rustic Christmas tree now.  I like big bling and I cannot lie.  

My mantel is filled with dollar store Christmas trees that look like they came from a pricey boutique.  {Looks like my mirror needs a good cleaning, eh?}

Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year from the High Style family to yours.